Her focus ever since has been to get organicKidz® baby bottles into the hands of as many children as possible. What has been her most inspiring event since starting organicKidz®?
When she got a call from a pediatric ICU nurse from a Canadian hospital telling her the story of a 6 month old baby who had spent 5 of his 6 months in a the hospital with cancer. After finally getting a clean bill of health, the baby wasn’t going to be released as he wasn’t drinking anything despite the staff’s best efforts. Luckily, one of the nurses brought in an organicKidz® bottle – the baby took to it immediately and was released a day later after spending virtually his entire life in the hospital. His parents and staff were referring to organicKidz® bottles as “miracle bottles.” As Jane put it, “Hearing stories like this validates everything I’m trying to accomplish.”
Since then, organicKidz® baby bottles have taken off. In addition to being sold in many countries around the world, organicKidz®bottles were named a Top Baby Product of 2012 by NBC’s The Today Show.